Welcome to University of Georgia's Peach State LSAMP Page
The UGA Peach State LSAMP program is funded by the National Science Foundation and is designed to recruit, retain, graduate and encourage the pursuit of graduate school for underrepresented undergraduate students majoring in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Apply for Spring 2025!
UGA – LSAMP Membership Criteria and Policies
If you are applying as a RESEARCH SCHOLAR: Complete and submit the Student Research Contract and Research Participation Form . The forms must be submitted to the Campus Coordinator via pslsamp@uga.edu . The forms are available below. They are also available in the LSAMP Office.
Student Research Contract (Deadline: September 2, 2024 at 11:59pm)
Research Participation Form (Deadline: September 2, 2024 at 11:59pm)
Work Verification Form(Deadline: December 16, 2024 at 11:59pm)
If you are applying as a GENERAL SCHOLAR: Complete and submit General Student Contract. The forms must be submitted to the Campus Coordinator in Peach State LSAMP office. The forms must be submitted to the Campus Coordinator via pslsamp@uga.edu . The forms are available below. They are also available in the LSAMP Office.
General Scholar Contract (Deadline: September 2, 2024 at 11:59pm)
Community Service Form (Deadline: December 16, 2024 at 11:59pm)
UGA – LSAMP General Scholars are participants in the program who attend professional development workshops, LSAMP meetings, scientific seminars, opening and closing programs and social functions. Participants are also eligible for tutoring and GRE Test Prep. LSAMP Scholars are encouraged to attend regional and national research conferences and are required to attend the annual Peach State LSAMP Fall Symposium and Research Conference (http://www.pslsamp.uga.edu/conference.html) . During the program, LSAMP Scholars are responsible for completing and returning additional paperwork necessary for verification of 10 community service hours. General Scholars must participate in no less than 80% of all activities held each semester to remain eligible for their stipend award. Scholars must notify the Campus Coordinator with at least a week's advance notice of any potential absences and scheduling conflicts with LSAMP programming. If an LSAMP Scholar fails to attend at least 80% of activities, s/he will lose funding. If a scholar’s GPA falls below a 2.75, s/he will lose funding, but is still able to attend all events and utilize all other services. All scholars must reapply for LSAMP funding each semester. Stipend award funding is only offered during the Fall and Spring semesters.
UGA – LSAMP Research Scholars are participants in the program who attend the mandatory LSAMP meetings/workshops, opening and closing programs, and social events. Participants are eligible for tutoring and GRE Test Prep. Research Scholars are expected to pursue substantial research projects over the course of the program and are required to make a commitment of 10 hours per week to their research each semester. During the program, participants are responsible for completing and returning additional paperwork necessary for verification of research completion. If a Research Scholar’s GPA falls below a 3.0 and/or s/he fails to complete research guidelines, they will be placed on probationary status and will remain in the program at the discretion of the Campus Coordinator. ResearchScholars must participate in no less than 80% of all activities held each semester to remain eligible for their stipend award. Scholars must notify the Campus Coordinator of any potential absences and scheduling conflicts with LSAMP programming. If an LSAMP Scholar fails to attend at least 80% of activities, s/he will be placed on probationary status. All scholars must reapply for LSAMP funding each semester.
- Summer Research Opportunities for Undergraduate students (REUs)
- Internships
- Graduate Schools
- Any opportunities for professional or research development
Proof of submissions must be added to a single Word document and sent to pslsamp@uga.edu by May 3, 2025 at 11:59pm.
* Please do not return any forms to the office. All forms can be scanned and emailed to pslsamp@uga.edu *
This website is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant
No. 2110067. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material
are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.